Born in Tokyo. After graduating from Keio University (SFC), Nanami entered a major brokerage firm. She then worked as a management consultant in America and Japan, and later as an executive in an artificial intelligence startup, after which she founded Eighty Days.

Founder & CEO

その後、ハンズオン実⾏支援コンサルタントとしてアメリカ、日本にてプロジェクトに従事。スタートアップの執⾏行役員を務めた後、 Eighty Days株式会社を創業。

Born in Italy. Graduated from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in Japanese Language, she moved to Japan in 2015. Passionate about travel, she has been working in the industry for a few years now and wants to use her experience to plan the best trip for Eighty Days’ customers.

Account Manager

イタリア生まれ。ヴェネツィア大学にて日本語を専攻。2015年日本に移住。旅行業界でのキャリアが長く、旅行に情熱を注いでいる。Eighty Daysではトラベルデザイナーとしてお客様に最高の体験を提供する役割を担う。

Of French and Italian origin, Lea graduated from the University of Bordeaux with a Master's degree in Event Management and Japanese Language. She settled in Japan in 2018, after several work experiences in other countries. Since then, she has worked in tourism, and her passion for Japan's history and culture has fuelled her motivation to create unique incentive trips for her customers.

Account Manager - MICE Specialist


Born in the United Kingdom. She moved to Japan to complete her Master’s degree at Nagoya University, from which she worked as a technical translator for Mitsubishi Electric. Now a member at Eighty Days, she is excited to promote Japan’s most scenic areas and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Senior Travel Designer

イギリス生まれ。名古屋大学で修士号を取得後、三菱電機にて技術翻訳に従事。Eighty Daysではトラベルデザイナーを担当し、日本の素晴らしい景色と最高の思い出を提供できることを楽しんでいる。

From the Island Nation of Maldives, Janaan, more commonly known as Jay, is a wanderlust enthusiast. He grew up in the Maldives and moved to Malaysia where he worked in events and production, creating exclusive experiences for customers all around the world. He enjoys traveling to various off the beaten path areas with locals to see different countries from their point of view. His enthusiasm for culture and artistry drew him to Japan, where he works together with Eighty Days to share his passion.

Travel Designer

モルディブ生まれ。放浪の愛好家。モルディブで育ち、その後マレーシアに移住、イベントや制作の仕事に従事し、世界中の顧客に特別な体験を提供してきた。様々な国に足を運んでは、現地の人々とつながり、ローカルな視点で旅をすることを大切にしている。彼の文化と芸術への情熱が彼を日本へと導き、Eighty Daysと共にその情熱を共有している。

Born in France, Mirah came to Japan for the first time after graduating from high school. After studying visual communication in Fukuoka, she initially gained experience in tourism by working in hospitality and international events management. She has lived in more than 10 different prefectures from Hokkaido to Okinawa and now wants to use her experience to help guests navigating Japan.

Travel Designer


Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada with a passion for cars and travel, David moved to Japan in 2019. While living in Canada, he enjoyed his profession as a tour leader, showing his beautiful city and the wonderful Canadian wilderness to visitors from all around the world. He looks forward to meeting new faces in Japan, and embark on fun and exciting excursions together with Eighty Days' guests.

Senior Tour Leader

香港生まれ。カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州バンクーバーで育ち、2019年に日本に移住。カナダ在住時は、世界中からの訪問者にカナダの美しい都市と素晴らしい自然の魅力を紹介し、ツアーリーダーとしての職業に楽しさを見出す。日本での新しい出会いと、Eighty Daysのゲストとの楽しい冒険を心待ちにしている。

Born and raised in Ravenna, Italy, Giulia has always dreamt about travelling all over the world. She started studying languages and lived and worked in Peru, USA, and UK but her biggest goal has always been Japan. She gained her bachelor's degree in Japanese language, culture and society and then moved to Tokyo where she started working as a Tour Leader and fell in love with this work. Her favourite part is to be able to share with her customers her love and knowledge of Japanese traditions and pop culture.

Senior Tour Leader

イタリア生まれ。ラヴェンナで生まれ育ち、世界中を旅することに憧れを持ち続けていた。 語学の勉強を開始後、ペルー、米国、英国に移住、その間も最終目標である日本を目指した。日本語、日本文化、日本社会の学士号を取得し、東京に移住。 ツアーリーダーとして働き始め、日本の伝統文化とポップカルチャーに対する彼女の愛と知識を顧客に伝えることができるこの仕事を心から楽しんでいる。

Born and raised in Sweden, Henrik’s love for Japanese music and video games first took him to Japan as an exchange student during high school. He majored in Japanese, linguistics and translation studies at university and started working in the travel industry soon after graduating.

Tour Leader


Born in the Midwest region of America he was always interested in different cultures, languages, customs, and food. In his twenties he stumbled upon his greatest passion: traveling, and from there he never looked back. After visiting over 25 countries and living in several states, he found his way to the mesmerizing country of Japan, where he has been for the past five years. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Development while in Japan, he embarked on a professional journey in the tourism industry. Guiding and assisting fellow travellers in their explorations, he found immense joy in sharing his knowledge and experiences, providing them with unforgettable adventures.

Tour Leader


Born in Samarkand, a city steeped in Silk Road history, she developed a passion for cultures, languages, and global history. By high school, she was fluent in three languages and led volunteer local tours. University year in Japan deepened her love for the country’s landscapes, food, and people. After returning to Uzbekistan, she couldn’t shake her fascination with Japan, leading her to pursue graduate studies there. Following her degree from SFC (Keio University), she joined Eighty Days, a role that perfectly combines her passions for travel, learning, and meeting new people with the support of a great team.

Tour Leader

シルクロードの歴史が色濃く残るウズベキスタンの古都・サマルカンドで生まれ、文化、言語、世界史への情熱を育んだ。高校時代には3カ国語を流暢に操り、ボランティアとして現地ツアーのガイドを務める。大学時代は日本で過ごし、日本の風景、食べ物、人々への愛情を深めた。ウズベキスタン帰国後も日本への憧れが消えることはなく、大学院進学を決意。慶應義塾大学で学位を取得後、Eighty Daysに入社旅、学び、新しい人々との出会いに対する情熱をもって、最高のチームメンバーのサポートのもと、自身の役割を果たしている。

Born on the lush Caribbean island of Jamaica, Karique grew up with an intense appreciation for the natural environment, especially the sea and mountains. Coming from a bilingual background, he always had an interest in foreign languages, travel, and cultures, which led him to study Spanish in high school, and Japanese and Social Anthropology in university. Due to his upbringing, Karique is an avid hiker, a talented cook, and an exceptional wordsmith. He is also quite knowledgeable, and enjoys socializing with people from different countries.

Tour Leader


Born and raised in Tokyo, she grew up in a downtown area where traditional Japanese festivals and their culture are deeply rooted. Sparked by a lifelong interest in foreign cultures, she studied at a high school in Vancouver, Canada, where cultures from around the world intersect. After graduation, she returned to Japan and continued to immerse herself in different cultures and languages through her passion for the arts. With her background and experiences, she aspires to contribute by promoting the beauty and charm of Japanese culture.

Operations Specialist


After graduating from university, she embarked on a journey across Japan and beyond as a tour conductor, where she discovered the unique charms of her homeland. This experience sparked her desire to share Japan's beauty with the world. In 2010, she moved to Shanghai, where she served as an attendant at the Japan Pavilion during the Shanghai World Expo and later worked as a sales manager at a Japanese-affiliated hotel. Upon returning to Japan, she played a role in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Games. Although the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily steered her away from the travel industry, she joined Eighty Days with a renewed belief in the resurgence of inbound tourism. Now, she is delighted to contribute to the industry she loves, working in a vibrant, multinational environment.

Operations Specialist

大学卒業後ツアーコンダクターとして日本、海外をめぐるうちに日本の持つ魅力に気づき、海外の人に日本の魅力を伝える仕事に興味を持つようになる。日本で中国語ガイドに転身した後2010年から上海に渡り、上海万博日本館アテンダント、日系ホテルのセールスマネージャーなどの仕事経験を経て、帰国後は東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの仕事に携わる。新型コロナウイルスの影響で旅行業界を離れたが、インバウンドの復活を信じてEighty Daysに入社。多国籍な環境の中で大好きなインバウンドの仕事をできることに幸せを感じている。

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